
I’ve noticed that when we aren’t looking and aren’t trying that’s when we find what we’re looking for. Give people a chance to show you who they really are because sometimes you may be amazed at who they reveal themselves to be. I have this friend that I had thought was arrogant but once I […]


What is fear? And why do people let it rattle them so much? Fear is being afraid or scared. But how can you let fear control your life? Fear is something to conquer! Its something that you face head on & tame. Fear is a way of admitting defeat without saying the actual words.To conquer […]


So much happiness is waiting to be tapped into. Every second of the day is a chance to obtain that happiness, a chance to put a smileon your face that may put a smile on someone else’s face. Did you know that some of the most simple things can generate happiness of the highest degree? […]


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