Truth and Love

The truth is located in the bible. A beautifully written manual on life. There is a verse for every feeling, every situation. It’s in the bible that we learn who God is. His likes and dislikes. We can learn how he wants to be worshiped, in truth and in spirit. Another thing we learn is to […]


Hi everyone I was thinking of starting to do LIVE video bible study. Some people can’t always attend bible study at church. I for one cannot always because one, my pastor has not gotten here yet for us to even start bible study and two my husband works extremely long hours so our car is […]

Feelings and Marriage.

Marriage is this beautiful covenant between a man and a woman taken before God. It’s a covenant with God as the rope that binds together. However some people don’t realize these truths. When you get married, you give up your selfishness. Marriage makes you serve, your spouse. Marriage makes you put someone else first. Now […]


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